My Gear
The Ham radio gear I use in my shack
My home HF Setup is an ICOM 756 PRO paired with a MFJ 993 Tuner.
My antenna is an EFHW (Par End-Fedz EF-ALLBANDKW) for 80-10m. Its mounted at the top of a 20ft mast, with the antenna wire about 25ft up in a tree across the yard.
I also have an ICOM 706 MKII that I use for POTA or away from home operation. I pair it with a G5RV Dipole for 40-10m and a 20ft collapsible flagpole.
Digital Operation
I mostly operate digital modes, usually FT8. My 756PRO works with hamlib for CAT control, using a USB to CIV adapter cable. For audio, I use a Digirig and cables.
Most of my VHF operation is handheld. I use my Yaesu FT5D as my primary APRS and digital radio transciever. I use a MMDVM hotspot to operate YSF - usually on US KC Wide or TOADS.
My APRS digipeater is a Kenwood TK760H connected to a Digirig with a custom adapter. It’s antenna is a Comet GP-1 mounted to the top of my mast.